There really is no rhyme nor reason to what I am writing today. I was given an opportunity to write lately and I was going through my journals and notebooks to find a few pieces for them as they requested some samples of my writing. I pretty well carry a pad of paper and a pen wherever I go ; just in case something inspires me. It is more often than not that I find something to write about.
I digress; here are some of my random ramblings from my notebooks.
It feels like I am an artists blank canvas and you are the oil paint that colours my world.
...sometimes it seems as if you close yourself off to me; when often it is I who closes myself off from the world thats waiting for me .
When you walked into my life and my feet were weary from carrying my load , it was like seeing the sun shining between mountains .
..tonight I am writing under the light of one small candle with shadows cast upon my paper; barely able to see what I write until the morning light. It's now ; that I realize nothing is darker than what is in my mind. When the lights come back on; I see the words I wrote scattered on the paper-much like my thoughts. Neither here; nor there . Just are
People are like the sun and clouds. Some people in my life energize me and point out what is good about me , while others like clouds try to bring me down with what's wrong with me . I want to know what is right about me. Bring on the sun
Thinking and writing and breathing are all the same to me. I need them all to experience life from all possible angles.
In my mind ; when I am at my peak of positivity , I am slow dancing ...
...when I close my eyes late at night , you are there .When i sleep I see you-sometimes I can smell you in the room. When I put my pen to paper ; it is sometimes like you are guiding my hand while gently rubbing my thumb. No idea who you are. face unknown but heart of gold..
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