Friday, October 12, 2012

Diagnosis Forward

Diagnosis Forward- My Human Library Book

I know I got the news just before June of 1990; my own wedding day.  It was a whirlwind of emotions for myself .  I was at the time excited about my own wedding but when a family member told me that he had tested positive for the HIV virus; it was like a landslide of boulders hitting me.
There were so many questions and so very few answers.  There were tears that could float ships. There also was much anger directed at no one in particular. I was angry and hurt and scared.  We all ranted and raved, prayed and pleaded. Some of us fell to our knees and bashed our hands against brick walls. 

My Mother; always the strong one in the family cried . Seeing her cry and her reaction only made me cry more and fear more.  She prayed and prayed while I most likely at the time cursed The Maker.

Who gave you AIDS ?  How could you sleep with someone you hardly knew ? Was it worth the one night stand sort of sex ?  Does he know about your test results ?  Does he care about your test results ?  Does he know his own HIV status ?  So many questions; so many unanswered questions; for now.  The answers to these questions would come slowly but they would come with more tears and even more questions about HIV and AIDS.

I have to confess; at the time I thought it was his, and others who had the virus “just desserts” I still feel so bad about that to this day. 

Now 22 years later; I am divorced with an amazing 21 year old son and I myself am openly gay.
In 1990 ; I fought all temptation and thoughts of myself being gay.  I admit I myself ; used derogatory names for gays.  I was angry-upset-pissed off that someone gave a loved one of mine HIV.  I was hurt that what was to be “mainstream media” put out the ill conceived news that AIDS and HIV were synonomous with homosexuals.  That only made me more afraid and closeted about my own sexuality. 

I remember the crying and blaming waned for a bit but then I heard that my family member had been pretty well “fired” by his dentist and family physician. 

Was HIV –AIDS even worse than even they thought ?
Worse than they knew about or were they just afraid or ignorant as many others at the time.

A great doctor in Cambridge; Dr Gary Gibson took my family member on as a patient.

“Medical care is for everyone “ Sadly but truthfully; some turned their backs on those who needed not only care; but compassion the most.

My family member educated himself and us on what he had learned. He utilized the services of ACCKWA; which had started just 3 years before his diagnosis.
He was on a concoction of medications. He had very bad days and he had bad days . Fine or good days were far between.  He inspired me; probably even more than he knows.  We are a very humble family.  I tried to see HIV through his eyes; but I could not.  HIV invaded his body; not mine but HIV gave my heart and soul the desire to learn myself and hopefully touch someone along the way. 

Now though; even 22 years later, much still needs to be done.
The stigma attached to HIV and AIDS can be an emotional disabler; and when one’s body is weak; emotional strength is vital !

ACCKWA came into my life – I didn’t enters ACCKWA’s.
Through circumstances beyond my control I heard of and quickly wanted to learn about ACCKWA, HIV and AIDS.

I helped with Chairs For Charity, did writing and continue to do so.  I have written poems for those infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.  I have written for  I have helped pack safer sex kits and have done one public speaking event.  Most recently I have collected donations for the online auction for ACCKWA.

Prior to 1990; HIV and AIDS were acronyms I had only seen on CNN or in the papers; with screaming bold headlines “GAY DISEASE”  I tried to pay it little mind.
Now in 2012 HIV and AIDS and ACCKWA are acronyms engraved in my heart and soul.
I do this now; not only for my brother- a brother only 1 year and 360 days older than myself-my Gemini Twin.  This is for everyone and their brother or sister, black or white, male or female, young or old because really HIV and AIDS does affect us all if even we are not infected with them. 

Stigma and ignorance are not easy to deal with but those need to be dealt with.

Diagnosis:Forward 2012. My brother is having good days and some very good days.
He is now taking just three pills compared to the cocktail of many
When we cry now it is usually from laughing so hard.

ACCKWA is changing lives-prolonging lives- changing the quality of life for those infected or affected by AIDS. Yet still; we have work to do.

Joe Lethbridge Friday October 12th  10:41 am. 2012     DATE STAMPED

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