Friday, November 26, 2010

Its been too long

My apologies for not posting as often as I should have and I definitely should have. Last week my computer hard drive crashed with all of my latest writings on it . I had not saved them to a memory stick as I often did. Maybe it was an epiphany of sorts to stop writing. In writing; we give up a small part of ourselves in hopes that someone gets something from reading them. I know that some people did take something away with each poem or piece of prose I wrote.

I set my soul-everything out there in my writing. I was vulnerable yet we all are. I just happened to be honest with my words. Even those of fiction had some truth to them as the characters were an amalgam of those in my past and present and some who are either there nor here.

I had over 200 notes on my facebook that I had copied to a documents folder and then deleted my facebook account for several reasons.

Today I have nothing to write that I can really share. I am back to a place close to the predicaments of April and May of 2009 . A predicament ;yet a learning experience as well.

I am left without words yet so much going on in my mind
I have however found love; love that seemed to escape me for so long .
I am at a crux . I have nothing to write. The only thing I seem to do "okay"
I await the inspiration to write and have some take something from .

I leave you in love and peace for now....

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