Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It has been a while

do NOT let people tell you what you cannot do-show them what you can do. As of two weeks ago I became a finalist in a literary award here in Cambridge.  Submitting to local online and print sites such as Cambridge Citizen and national sites such as Homorazzi and my newest favorite site PositiveLite has garnered me a bit of recognition but in all honesty that is not why I write. I do not write because I can; I write because I do and think I sometimes I have a message in my writing. I have more people telling me that I cannot write than I have telling me that I do. There will always be naysayers no matter what we choose to do in life. In our life. What we choose to do is up to us. As long as no one gets hurt in the process; I say go for it. I freely admit that commas and apostrophes and spacing are indeed not my friends.  I write with my heart; yet the pen puts it all on paper.  Yes: i still write using a pen and notepad. I then go to the public library and type it up and save it to one of two memory sticks. I am humbled to even be nominated; yet I am a humble person by nature. How do I show gratitude?  A simple thank you? If I do win; it is not just myself who wins. No man or woman is an island. Had it not been for my readers and critics: I would not have an audience.
That is why I say "do NOT let people tell you what you cannot do-show them what you can do" Be it writing or painting or drawing. Do what you love to do-not what others say you can do.


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