Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ode to Caffeine

I was about to embark to do my timmys run
But the clouds rolled in-my plan was done
my extra large double double would not come to fruition
Oh my god and alas ! I hate this condition
my hearts a pounding and palpitating
the rain keeps falling- i go on waiting
I can see my coffee waiting behind timmys door
It teases and torments right to my core
i dont care about the damned roll up the rim
I need my coffee cup filled right to the brim
I dont care about the crullers or the timbits
I am sitting here have caffeine withdrawal fits !


  1. this is really nice! I love american coffee!!!!

  2. Well Miki - If you ever get to Canada. I will treat you to coffee at one of my favorite cafes in town here .
